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Version 1.0.0
Packages | |
namespace | tcaxLib |
tcaxLib documentation | |
Functions | |
def | tcaxLib.tcaxLibGetVersion |
Get the current tcaxLib version. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixPoints |
Get points from PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.BlankPix |
Create a blank PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixResize |
Resize a PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixResizeF |
Resize a PIX, the same as PixResize but accept fractional width and height. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixEnlarge |
Enlarge a PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixCrop |
Crop a PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixStrip |
Strip the blank border of a PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixTexture |
Apply a texture on a PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixMask |
Apply a mask to a PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixReplaceAlpha |
Replace the alpha channel of the source PIX with the alpha channel of the destination PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixBlur |
Blur a PIX using Gauss IIR blur. | |
def | tcaxLib.CombinePixs |
Combine two PIXs. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixColorMul |
Change the color of a PIX by multiplying factors to each channel of RGBA. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixColorShift |
Change the color of a PIX by shifting values of each channel of RGBA. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixColorTrans |
Make the color in a PIX with specified rgb value transparent. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixColorRGBA |
Change the value of colors including alpha channels in the PIX with flat rgba value. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixColorRGB |
Change the value of colors in the PIX with flat rgb value. | |
def | tcaxLib.PixColorA |
Change the value of alpha channels in the PIX with constant alpha value. | |
def | tcaxLib.BilinearFilter |
Bilinear Filter, mainly used when creating effects of moving a PIX so that it will look smoother. | |
def | tcaxLib.ScaleFilter |
Scale Filter, mainly used when creating effects of moving a PIX so that it will look smoother. | |
def | tcaxLib.InitBigPix |
Create a blank BigPIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.BigPixAdd |
Add a PIX to the BigPIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.ConvertBigPix |
Convert a BigPIX to PIX. | |
def | tcaxLib.CreateAssFile |
Create an ASS file and returns the handler to the file. | |
def | tcaxLib.AppendAssFile |
Append to an ASS file and returns the handler to the file. | |
def | tcaxLib.WriteAssFile |
Write ASS strings to ASS file. | |
def | tcaxLib.FinAssFile |
Finalize the ASS file (close the handler to the file and destroy contents assigned to it). | |
def | tcaxLib.CreateTcasFile |
Create an TCAS file and returns the handler to the file. | |
def | tcaxLib.WriteTcasFile |
Write ASS strings to ASS file. | |
def | tcaxLib.FinTcasFile |
Finalize the TCAS file (close the handler to the file and destroy contents assigned to it). | |
def | tcaxLib.InitFont |
Initialize a font and returns the handler to the font. | |
def | tcaxLib.FinFont |
Finalize the font and destroy the handler. | |
def | tcaxLib.TextPix |
Initialize a font and retrieves a PIX of the specified text from the font. | |
def | tcaxLib.TextPix |
Retrieve a PIX of the specified text from a font. | |
def | tcaxLib.TextOutlinePoints |
Get text outline points. | |
def | tcaxLib.TextOutlinePoints |
Get text outline points. | |
def | tcaxLib.TextMetrics |
Initialize a font and retrieves the metrics of the specified text from the font. | |
def | tcaxLib.TextMetrics |
Retrieve the metrics of the specified text from a font. | |
def | tcaxLib.ImagePix |
Retrieve a PIX from a PNG image. | |
def | tcaxLib.ImagePix |
Retrieve a PIX from a PNG image, and resize the PIX to specified size. | |
def | tcaxLib.SavePix |
Save a PIX to a PNG file. | |
def | tcaxLib.SavePix |
Resize a PIX to specified size and save it to a PNG file. | |
def | tcaxLib.TextOutlineDraw |
Get the text outline (which is consisted of contours, lines, bezier arcs) as a string of ASS drawing commands. | |
def | tcaxLib.TextOutlineDraw |
Get the text outline (which is consisted of contours, lines, bezier arcs) as a string of ASS drawing commands. | |
def | tcaxLib.IsCjk |
Check if a text string is a CJK string, here CJK means "Chinese or Japanese or Korea" not "Chinese & Japanese & Korea". | |
def | tcaxLib.VertLayout |
Change the text to fit the vertical text layout, only used for ASS FX. | |
def | tcaxLib.ShowProgress |
Show progress only needed in tcax py user mode. | |
def | tcaxLib.Bezier1 |
Get points of a linear bezier curve. | |
def | tcaxLib.Bezier2 |
Get points of a quadratic bezier curve. | |
def | tcaxLib.Bezier3 |
Get points of a cubic bezier curve. | |
def | tcaxLib.BezierN |
Get points of a Nth order bezier curve with random control points within the specified interval. | |
def | tcaxLib.tcas_main |
Append a PIX to the TCAS_BUF list. | |
def | tcaxLib.tcas_keyframe |
Append a pair of key frame PIXs to the TCAS_BUF list. |