tcaxLib  Version 1.0.0
Packages | Functions File Reference


namespace  tcaxLib

tcaxLib documentation


def tcaxLib.tcaxLibGetVersion
 Get the current tcaxLib version.
def tcaxLib.PixPoints
 Get points from PIX.
def tcaxLib.BlankPix
 Create a blank PIX.
def tcaxLib.PixResize
 Resize a PIX.
def tcaxLib.PixResizeF
 Resize a PIX, the same as PixResize but accept fractional width and height.
def tcaxLib.PixEnlarge
 Enlarge a PIX.
def tcaxLib.PixCrop
 Crop a PIX.
def tcaxLib.PixStrip
 Strip the blank border of a PIX.
def tcaxLib.PixTexture
 Apply a texture on a PIX.
def tcaxLib.PixMask
 Apply a mask to a PIX.
def tcaxLib.PixReplaceAlpha
 Replace the alpha channel of the source PIX with the alpha channel of the destination PIX.
def tcaxLib.PixBlur
 Blur a PIX using Gauss IIR blur.
def tcaxLib.CombinePixs
 Combine two PIXs.
def tcaxLib.PixColorMul
 Change the color of a PIX by multiplying factors to each channel of RGBA.
def tcaxLib.PixColorShift
 Change the color of a PIX by shifting values of each channel of RGBA.
def tcaxLib.PixColorTrans
 Make the color in a PIX with specified rgb value transparent.
def tcaxLib.PixColorRGBA
 Change the value of colors including alpha channels in the PIX with flat rgba value.
def tcaxLib.PixColorRGB
 Change the value of colors in the PIX with flat rgb value.
def tcaxLib.PixColorA
 Change the value of alpha channels in the PIX with constant alpha value.
def tcaxLib.BilinearFilter
 Bilinear Filter, mainly used when creating effects of moving a PIX so that it will look smoother.
def tcaxLib.ScaleFilter
 Scale Filter, mainly used when creating effects of moving a PIX so that it will look smoother.
def tcaxLib.InitBigPix
 Create a blank BigPIX.
def tcaxLib.BigPixAdd
 Add a PIX to the BigPIX.
def tcaxLib.ConvertBigPix
 Convert a BigPIX to PIX.
def tcaxLib.CreateAssFile
 Create an ASS file and returns the handler to the file.
def tcaxLib.AppendAssFile
 Append to an ASS file and returns the handler to the file.
def tcaxLib.WriteAssFile
 Write ASS strings to ASS file.
def tcaxLib.FinAssFile
 Finalize the ASS file (close the handler to the file and destroy contents assigned to it).
def tcaxLib.CreateTcasFile
 Create an TCAS file and returns the handler to the file.
def tcaxLib.WriteTcasFile
 Write ASS strings to ASS file.
def tcaxLib.FinTcasFile
 Finalize the TCAS file (close the handler to the file and destroy contents assigned to it).
def tcaxLib.InitFont
 Initialize a font and returns the handler to the font.
def tcaxLib.FinFont
 Finalize the font and destroy the handler.
def tcaxLib.TextPix
 Initialize a font and retrieves a PIX of the specified text from the font.
def tcaxLib.TextPix
 Retrieve a PIX of the specified text from a font.
def tcaxLib.TextOutlinePoints
 Get text outline points.
def tcaxLib.TextOutlinePoints
 Get text outline points.
def tcaxLib.TextMetrics
 Initialize a font and retrieves the metrics of the specified text from the font.
def tcaxLib.TextMetrics
 Retrieve the metrics of the specified text from a font.
def tcaxLib.ImagePix
 Retrieve a PIX from a PNG image.
def tcaxLib.ImagePix
 Retrieve a PIX from a PNG image, and resize the PIX to specified size.
def tcaxLib.SavePix
 Save a PIX to a PNG file.
def tcaxLib.SavePix
 Resize a PIX to specified size and save it to a PNG file.
def tcaxLib.TextOutlineDraw
 Get the text outline (which is consisted of contours, lines, bezier arcs) as a string of ASS drawing commands.
def tcaxLib.TextOutlineDraw
 Get the text outline (which is consisted of contours, lines, bezier arcs) as a string of ASS drawing commands.
def tcaxLib.IsCjk
 Check if a text string is a CJK string, here CJK means "Chinese or Japanese or Korea" not "Chinese & Japanese & Korea".
def tcaxLib.VertLayout
 Change the text to fit the vertical text layout, only used for ASS FX.
def tcaxLib.ShowProgress
 Show progress only needed in tcax py user mode.
def tcaxLib.Bezier1
 Get points of a linear bezier curve.
def tcaxLib.Bezier2
 Get points of a quadratic bezier curve.
def tcaxLib.Bezier3
 Get points of a cubic bezier curve.
def tcaxLib.BezierN
 Get points of a Nth order bezier curve with random control points within the specified interval.
def tcaxLib.tcas_main
 Append a PIX to the TCAS_BUF list.
def tcaxLib.tcas_keyframe
 Append a pair of key frame PIXs to the TCAS_BUF list.
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