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- 2024-8-28
TCAS (Ternary Color Animation Solution) is a solution to Mandipa (Massive Amount Of Nonlinear Dynamic Isolated Pixels Animation (海量非线性动态离散像素点动画解决方案)
The name just implies the usage of TCAS
1. Massive Amount, the amount of pixels is usually very large, millions of pixels
2. Nonlinear, the living duration of the pixels are nonlinear
3. Dynamic, pixels have their living duration
4. Isolated, pixels are isolated, they may not have any relation with each other
5. Pixels, the basic unit, such pixels are called DIPs in TCAS
6. Animation, our goal is to use such file to generate video frames
Though theoritically speaking, DIPs can be completely independent with each other, it is not practical. For practical use, the degree of non-linearity should be limited, that is to say, several DIPs share some common living duration, and locality issue should also be considered.
TCAS is not good at filling a whole video frame (a width * height image), but can be used to draw relatively small and discrete objects such as lines, texts, etc. So, one of the major practical use of TCAS is to make subtitle/karaoke effects!
While developing libtcas, performance is the biggest issue keeping in my mind, so rendering a TCAS file is always very fast, but TCAS files are usually a way too big. After bringing the zlib to libtcas, the size becomes half, which is a big progress.