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# tcc file version
< tcc file version = 1.0 >
# file version of TCC, indeed there is only one version of TCC, and should be kept as 1.0
# mode configuration
< inherit ass header = false >
# indicate whether to inherit the header of the karaoke-timed ASS file to the output ASS file, or to make a new ASS header using settings from the TCC file. usually set to false
< k mode = syllable >
# the value can be word (or normal) / syl (or syllable) / adv (or advanced), they indicate three different modes of TCAX’s serving of karaoke timings and texts. As you can guess, normal mode simply serves syllables just the same as what you see in the karaoke-timed ASS file, while syl mode will serve only one text a time with its derived karaoke timing from the ASS K tag, and adv mode serves no more than two texts a time with derived karaoke timing. default value is syl
< text layout = horizontal >
# the value can be hori (or horizontal) / vert (or vertical), it’s the text layout of the TCAX FX. default value is hori
< tcaxpy init = false >
# indicate whether to use tcaxPy_Init function in the user’s tcaxPy script, if set to true, you should implement a tcaxPy_Init function in your script, and vice versa. tcaxPy_Init function usually does some initialization, and it will be executed once before any other pre-defined functions of the tcaxPy script. if you want to use built-in FXs, set this value to true
< tcaxpy user = false >
# indicate whether to use tcaxPy_User function in the user’s tcaxPy script, the function will be executed only once and if tcaxPy_User function is used, tcaxPy_Main function will be ignored. The difference between tcaxPy_User function and tcaxPy_Main function is that tcaxPy_Main function provides several pre-defined parameters, which are easy to use, and tcaxPy_Main function will be executed many times according to the syllables, while tcaxPy_User function left all the work to be done by the user, hence more flexible, and you can define your own template. default value is false
< tcaxpy fin = false >
# indicate whether to use tcaxPy_Fin function in the user’s tcaxPy script, if set to true, you should implement a tcaxPy_Fin function in your script, and vice versa. tcaxPy_Fin function usually does some finalization, and it will be executed once after any other pre-defined functions of the tcaxPy script. if you want to use built-in FXs, set this value to true
# py settings
< py file = test1.py >
# file name of the user's tcaxPy script, can use relative path or absolute path, relative path is recommending
< beg line = 1 >
# from which karaoke line the script will take effect, 1 means from the first line. 0 means the last line, -n means the (n+1)th line count from the end.
< end line = 0 >
# after which line the script will lose effect, 0 means the last line of the karaoke-timed ASS file.
< py file = test1.py > < beg line = 1 > < end line = 0 >
# test1.py will have effect from the first karaoke line to the last
< py file = test2.py > < beg line = 1 > < end line = 0 >
< py file = test3.py > < beg line = 1 > < end line = -1 >
# to the last but one karaoke line
< py file = test4.py > < beg line = -5 > < end line = -2 >
# test4.py will have effect from the 6th karaoke line count from the end to the 3rd karaoke line count from the end.
< py file = !\test.py > < beg line = 5 > < end line = 0 >
# ‘!\’ or ‘!/’ means test.py is in the TCAX's root directory
< py file = !\script\test.py > < beg line = 3 > < end line = 7 >
# means test.py is in TCAX\scripts folder
< py file = !in_001.py > < beg line = 3 > < end line = 7 >
# '!' means the script is a built-in script
# main settings
< k-timed ass file = test_k.ass >
# filename of the input karaoke-timed ASS file, can use both relative path (preferred) or absolute path, if you leave this value empty, then, it means the FX you are going to make does not need a SYL file, (for LOGO FXs, etc.)
< font file = simhei.ttf >
# the font filename, TCAX will first check the current working directory to see if there exists the file, if not, it will goes to the Fonts folder under the Windows directory. you can use TCAX\tools\fontColor.exe to choose a font.
< font face id = 1 >
# to specify the face in a TTC font file, for ttf font, keep the value to 1. note, in fontColor.exe you can clearly see there is '&' between names for a ttc font, the id is to specify which name you want
< font size = 40 >
# font size
< fx width = 1280 >
# horizontal resolution of the TCAX FX, usually it should be the same as the source video
< fx height = 720 >
# vertical resolution of the TCAX FX, usually it should be the same as the source video
< fx fps = 23.976 >
# FPS of the TCAX FX, usually it should be the same as the target video
< alignment = 7 >
# indicate where to put the texts, you can refer to the number keyboard. Default alignment for horizontal layout is an1, default alignment for vertical layout is an9
< x offset = 30 >
# horizontal margin, when alignment is 1 4 7 or 2 5 8, it is measured from the left side, otherwise from the right side.
< y offset = 15 >
# vertical margin, when alignment is 7 8 9 or 4 5 6, it is measured from the upper side, otherwise from the bottom side.
< spacing = 0 >
# spacing between texts
< space scale = 1.0 >
# factor that the length of a white space should be multiplied with.
# style settings
< font face name = "" >
# font name, keep empty, TCAX will generate a correct font name automatically
< bord = 1 >
# bord
< shad = 0 >
# shad
< primary color = FFFFFF >
# primary color, the format is BBGGRR
< secondary color = 000000 >
# secondary color, some built-in scripts used this value
< outline color = FFFFFF >
# outline color
< back color = 000000 >
# background color
< primary alpha = 0 >
# alpha value for primary color, range from 0~255
< secondary alpha = 255 >
# alpha value for secondary color
< outline alpha = 0 >
# alpha value for outline color
< back alpha = 255 >
# alpha value for background color
# additional settings
< blur = 0 >
# blur value, can be fractional number