- 363
- 积分
- 2032
- 帖子
- 123
- 主题
- 18
- 论坛币
- 3813
- 威望
- 10
- EP值
- 1178
- MP值
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 80
- 注册时间
- 2012-3-21
- 在线时间
- 284 小时
- 最后登录
- 2017-1-31
- from tcaxPy import *
- from s import *
- from util.gdiFont import * #加入GDIfont模块
- from util.tcCurve import *
- import math
- import random
- def tcaxPy_Init():
- global _FontFileName
- global _FaceID
- global _Fs
- global _TextWidth
- global _TextHeight
- global _TextLength
- global _TextAdvDiff
- global _ResolutionX
- global _FD
- global _TextInitX
- global _Ascender # 字体上行高度
- global _Descender # 字体下行高度 通常为负数
- global _H
- global _3C
- global _KarTime
- _KarTime = GetVal(val_KarTime)# 第i句卡拉OK歌词的第j个字符的Karaoke时间 = !$start!
- _H = GetVal(val_FontSize)
- _3C = GetVal(val_3C)
- _FontFileName = GetVal(val_FontFileName)
- _FaceID = GetVal(val_FaceID)
- _Fs = GetVal(val_FontSize)
- _Ascender = GetVal(val_Ascender) #字体上行高度
- _TextHeight = GetVal(val_TextHeight)# 第i句卡拉OK歌词的j个字符的高度
- _TextWidth = GetVal(val_TextWidth)# 第i句卡拉OK歌词的j个字符的宽度
- _TextLength = GetVal(val_TextLength)# 第i句卡拉OK歌词的文字总长度
- _TextAdvDiff = GetVal(val_TextAdvanceDiff)# 从初始位置到第i句卡拉OK歌词的j个字符的水平步距
- _TextInitX = GetVal(val_TextInitX)
- _ResolutionX = GetVal(val_ResolutionX)
- _FD = 1000 / GetVal(val_FXFPS)
- global GdiFont #GDIfont
- GdiFont = gfInitFont(GetVal(val_FontFaceName), _Fs, GetVal(val_Spacing), GetVal(val_SpaceScale), 0, False) #GDIfont
- global Font
- Font = InitFont(GetVal(val_FontFileName), GetVal(val_FaceID), _Fs, GetVal(val_Spacing), GetVal(val_SpaceScale), 0xFFFFFF, 0, 0)
- def p(y):#绘图缩放代码
- if y == int(y):
- Y = str(int(y))
- else:
- Y = str(format(y, '.2f'))
- return '\\p{0}'.format(Y)
- def frxyz(x):
- X1 = randint(-x,x)
- X2 = randint(-x,x)
- X3 = randint(-x,x)
- return frx(X1)+fry(X2)+frz(X3)
- def tcaxPy_Main(_i, _j, _n, _BT, _ET, _SK, _KT, _X, _Y, _A, _TXT):
- ASS_BUF = [] # 用于保存ASS特效
- _7X = _X - int(_A / 2 + 0.5) #每个字的上X坐标= !$left!
- _7Y = _Y - int(_H / 2 + 0.5) #每个字的上Y坐标=!$top!
- _bottom = _Y + int(_H / 2 + 0.5) #每个字的下Y坐标
- if _i > -1 and _i < 9 :
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-15,_BT+_SK,2),an(5)+fad(50,0)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(1)+color1("030291")+color3("030291")+blur(5)+t(100,150,color1("FFFFFF")+color3("000000")+blur(1)) ,_TXT)#入场效果
- for i in range(15):
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK,_BT+_SK+_KT+_KT*0.1,2),an(5)+bord(1)+blur(4.5)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("5617F5")+bord(0.5)+fscx(100*(i*2/15))+alpha(128+127*i/15)+pos(_X,_Y)+t(0,_KT*4,fscx(100*(i*2.2/15))+blur(6)+bord(0))+t(_KT*4,_KT*10,bord(1)+blur(4.5)+fscx(100)) ,_TXT)#表现方式
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK+_KT,_ET,2),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("000000")+blur(1)+bord(1) ,_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_ET,_ET+15,2),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("000000")+blur(1)+bord(1)+fad(0,50)+t(10,80,color1("030291")+color3("030291")+blur(5)) ,_TXT)
- if _i > 8 and _i < 10 :
- PIX = TextPix(Font, _TXT)
- InitPosX = _X - int(_A / 2 + 0.5) + PIX[0][0] # 第一个像素的X轴坐标
- InitPosY = _Y - int(_Fs / 2 + 0.5) + PIX[0][1] # 第一个像素的Y轴坐标
- for h in range(PIX[1][1]): # 开始纵向扫描
- PosY = InitPosY + h # 当前像素Y轴坐标
- for w in range(PIX[1][0]): # 开始横向扫描
- PosX = InitPosX + w
- X = PosX-randint(-50,50)
- Y = PosY-randint(-50,50) # 当前像素X轴坐标
- idx = 4 * (h * PIX[1][0] + w) # 脚标
- PixR = PIX[2][idx + 0] # 当前像素的红色分量
- PixG = PIX[2][idx + 1] # 当前像素的绿色分量
- PixB = PIX[2][idx + 2] # 当前像素的蓝色分量
- PixA = PIX[2][idx + 3] # 当前像素的透明度
- if PixA != 0: # 如果当前像素不为透明则进行如下操作
- S = randint(-30,30)
- H = randint(-10,10)
- Start = int(_BT-50+w*(_KT/PIX[1][0]))+H
- End = int(_BT)
- Bezier3 = moves3(PosX+randint(-150,20),PosY+randint(-160,10),PosX+randint(-100,10),PosY+randint(-10,110),PosX,PosY)
- Bezier2 = moves3(PosX,PosY,PosX+randint(-150,80),PosY+randint(-60,10),PosX+randint(100,210),PosY+randint(-40,0))
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(Start,End ,5, Pix_Style),an(7)+Bezier3+fad(100,0)+alpha(255-PixA)+shad(0)+bord(0.2)+blur(2)+org(_X,_Y)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("FFFFFF"), PixPt())
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_ET-5,_ET+w*(_KT/PIX[1][0])+20+H ,5, Pix_Style),an(7)+Bezier2+fad(0,100)+alpha(255-PixA)+shad(0)+bord(0.2)+blur(2)+org(_X,_Y)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("FFFFFF"), PixPt())
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-10,_BT+_SK,2),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+fad(100,0)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("000000")+blur(1)+bord(1) ,_TXT)
- for i in range(15):
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK,_BT+_SK+_KT+_KT*0.1,2),an(5)+bord(1)+blur(4.5)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("5617F5")+bord(0.5)+fscx(100*(i*2/15))+alpha(128+127*i/15)+pos(_X,_Y)+t(0,_KT*4,fscx(100*(i*2.2/15))+blur(6)+bord(0))+t(_KT*4,_KT*10,bord(1)+blur(4.5)+fscx(100)) ,_TXT)#表现方式
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK+_KT,_ET,2),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("000000")+blur(1)+bord(1)+fad(0,50) ,_TXT)
- if _i > 9 and _i < 13 or _i > 13 and _i < 19 :
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-15,_BT+_SK,2),an(5)+fad(50,0)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(1)+color1("030291")+color3("030291")+blur(5)+t(100,150,color1("FFFFFF")+color3("000000")+blur(1)) ,_TXT)
- for j in range(30) :
- CLIP = clip(_7X+j,_7Y+j,_7X+_A,_7Y+_H)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK,_BT+_SK+_KT+15,2),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+fsc(150,150)+jitter(1,1,1,1,50)+t(jitter(4,4,4,4,40,randint(10,40)))+fsc(100,100)+bord(0.8)+CLIP+color3("5617F5") ,_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK+_KT+15,_ET,2),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("000000")+blur(1)+bord(1) ,_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_ET,_ET+15,2),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("000000")+blur(1)+bord(1)+fad(0,50)+t(10,80,color1("030291")+color3("030291")+blur(5)) ,_TXT)
- return (ASS_BUF, None)
复制代码 预览
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kT7cJdl |