- 215
- 积分
- 15394
- 帖子
- 1163
- 主题
- 27
- 论坛币
- 428
- 威望
- 125
- EP值
- 1992
- MP值
- 26
- 阅读权限
- 100
- 注册时间
- 2011-10-13
- 在线时间
- 668 小时
- 最后登录
- 2018-6-25
- from tcaxPy import *
- def tcaxPy_Init():
- global _FontFileName # frame duration, in millisecond
- global _FD
- global _Fs
- global _Length
- global _Bd
- global _Br
- global _FaceID
- global _Font
- _FontFileName = GetVal(val_FontFileName)
- _FD = 1000 / GetVal(val_FXFPS)
- _Fs = GetVal(val_FontSize)
- _Length = GetVal(val_TextLength)
- _Bd = GetVal(val_Bord)
- _Br = GetVal(val_Blur)
- _FaceID = GetVal(val_FaceID)
- _Font = InitFont(_FontFileName, _FaceID, _Fs, GetVal(val_Spacing), GetVal(val_SpaceScale), 0xFFFFFF, 2, False)
- def fr(x):
- X = randint(-x,x)
- return frx(X)+fry(X)+frz(X)
- def tcaxPy_Main(_i, _j, _n, _BT, _ET, _SK, _KT, _X, _Y, _A, _TXT):
- ASS_BUF = [] # used for saving ASS FX lines
- if _j == 0:
- global POS
- POS = [_X,_Y]
- dx = _X - int(_A / 2 + 0.5)
- dy = _Y - int(_Fs / 2 + 0.5)
- mask = TextOutlineDraw(_Font, _TXT, dx, dy)
- PIC = ["m 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -2 b -1 -3 1 -4 1 -4 b 2 -4 3 -5 4 -5 b 8 -2 12 -9 15 -7 b 15 -7 14 -6 14 -6 b 14 -6 22 -9 25 -11 b 22 -9 18 -6 14 -4 b 16 -4 18 -5 19 -5 b 18 -4 16 -3 15 -3 b 16 -3 17 -2 18 -2 b 16 -2 12 2 10 -1 b 8 0 3 1 0 0 ","m 0 0 b -1 1 -4 -4 -5 -6 b -5 -5 -9 -11 -10 -14 b -10 -15 -12 -18 -13 -19 b -15 -19 -10 -13 -9 -14 b -7 -12 -4 -10 -3 -7 b -1 -8 2 -3 2 -2 b 1 0 3 -1 0 0 ","m 18 0 l 9 21 b 8 24 10 25 12 21 ","m 0 0 b 0 -5 5 -11 10 -8 b 10 -13 13 -13 15 -13 b 13 -13 15 -8 10 -8 b 10 -3 2 0 0 0 ","m 3 9 b -6 9 -7 -7 2 -12 b 7 -8 6 1 3 9 "]
- if _i < 2:
- for s in range(15):
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-50+_j*5+s,_BT+_j*5+s,15-s), an(5)+move(_X+100,_Y,_X,_Y)+alpha1(255-(_n-_j)*5)+alpha3(180)+fad(500,0)+be(30)+animation(be(10))+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+bord(1), _TXT)
- sb1=""
- for i in range (0,30):
- a = -0.15+0.01*i
- l = (pow((abs(a)/0.15),0.3)+0.5)*120*8
- sb1= sb1 + "m 0 0 l"+" "+str(int(l*cos(a)))+" "+str(int(l*sin(a)))+" 0 1 c "
- sb2 = ""
- for j in range (0,30):
- a = -0.15+0.01*j
- l = (pow((abs(a)/0.15),0.3)+0.5)*60*8
- sb2 = sb2 +"m 0 0 l"+" "+str(int(l*cos(a)))+" "+str(int(l*sin(a)))+" 0 1 c "
- tStep = 2
- for e in range(_BT+_SK,_BT+_SK+_KT,tStep):
- startag = randint(0, 359)
- endag = startag + randint(0,9)/10 * randint(50, 100)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(e,e+ 100,19), pos(_X, _Y)+ an(7)+fad(300, 300)+fsc(50,50)+alpha1(0)+be(1)+shad(0)+bord(0)+color1("FF7C00")+ frz(startag) + animation1(0,1000,frz(endag)),"{\p4}"+sb1)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(e,e + 100,20), pos(_X, _Y)+ an(7)+fad(300, 300)+fsc(50,50)+alpha1(17)+be(1)+shad(0)+bord(0)+color1("FFFFFF")+ frz(startag) + animation1(0,1000,frz(endag)),"{\p4}"+sb2)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT,_BT+_SK,45),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK,_BT+_SK+_KT/2,45),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2)+fsc(100,100)+animation(fsc(120,120)), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK+_KT/2,_BT+_SK+_KT,45),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2)+fsc(120,120)+animation(fsc(100,100)), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK+_KT,_ET-50,45),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2), _TXT)
- ts = _BT + _SK - 2 * int(_FD/10)
- te = _BT + _SK + _KT
- ts1 = ts - int(_FD/10)
- te1 = te - int(_FD/10)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts1,te1,50), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("482922")+color2("FFFFFF")+bord(3)+blur(2)+be(3)+K(_KT), _TXT)
- ts2 = ts + int(_FD/10)
- te2 = te + int(_FD/10)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts2,te2,51), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+color2("482922")+bord(3)+blur(2)+be(3)+K(_KT), _TXT)
- if _i == 0:
- for s in range(15):
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_ET-50-(_n-_j)*5+s,_ET-(_n-_j)*5+s,15-s), an(5)+move(_X,_Y,_X-100,_Y)+alpha1(255-(_n-_j)*5)+alpha3(180)+fad(500,0)+be(30)+animation(be(10))+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+bord(1), _TXT)
- if _i == 1:
- for p in range(_ET-50,_ET+70,8):
- for m in range(5):
- RAN = randint(70,130)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(p,p+6), an(5)+pos(_X+randint(-30,30),_Y+randint(-30,30))+fscx(RAN)+fscy(RAN)+bord(2)+be(8)+blur(3)+color3('D6E8E9')+color1('FFFFFF')+shad(0),"{\p4}m 0 100 l 1 1 l 100 0 l 1 -1 l 0 -100 l -1 -1 l -100 0 l -1 1 m 6 6 {\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(p,p+6), an(5)+pos(_X+randint(-30,30),_Y+randint(-30,30))+fscx(RAN)+fscy(RAN)+bord(2)+be(8)+blur(3)+color3('D6E8E9')+color1('FFFFFF')+shad(0),"{\p4}m 0 100 l 1 1 l 100 0 l 1 -1 l 0 -100 l -1 -1 l -100 0 l -1 1 m 6 6 {\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(p,p+6), an(5)+pos(_X+randint(-30,30),_Y+randint(-30,30))+fscx(RAN)+fscy(RAN)+bord(2)+be(8)+blur(3)+color3('D6E8E9')+color1('FFFFFF')+shad(0),"{\p4}m 0 100 l 1 1 l 100 0 l 1 -1 l 0 -100 l -1 -1 l -100 0 l -1 1 m 6 6 {\p0}")
- if _i == 2:
- drution = 10 * _FD
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-_FD,_BT,10), an(5)+move(_X + _Length[_i], _Y, _X, _Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(8)+blur(3)+fry(-180)+alpha(100)+animation(0,drution/2, 1.25, fs(_Fs * 2) + fry(-90) + alpha(200))+animation(drution/2, drution, 0.8, fs(_Fs) + fry(0) + alpha(150)), _TXT)
- tp = int((_KT + randint(-5, 5)) / 8)
- num = 200
- L1 = Bezier1(num, _X - _A * 2 + randint(-10, 10), _Y - _Fs + randint(-10, 10), _X + _A * 2 + randint(-10, 10), _Y + _Fs + randint(-10, 10))
- L2 = Bezier1(num, _X - _A * 3 + randint(-5, 5), _Y - _Fs + randint(-10, 5), _X + _A * 3 + randint(-5, 5), _Y + _Fs + randint(-5, 10))
- L3 = Bezier1(num, _X - _A * 3 / 2 + randint(-10, 10), _Y - _Fs * 3 / 2 + randint(-10, 10), _X + _A * 3 / 2 + randint(-10, 10), _Y + _Fs * 3 / 2 + randint(-10, 10))
- L4 = Bezier1(num, _X + _A * 2 + randint(-10, 10), _Y - _Fs + randint(-10, 10), _X - _A * 2 + randint(-10, 10), _Y + _Fs + randint(-10, 10))
- L5 = Bezier1(num, _X + _A * 3 / 2 + randint(-10, 5), _Y - _Fs * 3 / 2 + randint(-10, 10), _X - _A * 3 / 2 + randint(-5, 10), _Y + _Fs * 3 / 2 + randint(-10, 10))
- L6 = Bezier1(num, _X - _A + randint(-10, 10), _Y + _Fs + randint(-10, 10), _X + _A + randint(-10, 10), _Y - _Fs + randint(-10, 10))
- L = [L1, L4, L3, L2, L6, L5]
- for e in range(randint(4, 6)):
- for g in range(num):
- EFT = pos(L[e][g][0], L[e][g][1]) + bord(0) + blur(1) + t(0, 20, 1, fsc(110, 110) + be(1)) + t(30, 50, 1, fsc(150, 150) + be(2)) + fade(0, 255, 0, 0, 20, 30, 50) + color1("0000FF")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT+_SK + g * tp / num + e * 5, _BT+_SK + g * tp / num + e * 5 + 5, 5), EFT, PixPt())
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT,_BT+_SK,1), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK,_ET-(_n-_j) * 10,1), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+blur(2)+color3("9CDDE6")+alpha1(255), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_ET-(_n-_j) * 10,_ET-(_n-_j) * 10+40,1), an(5)+move(_X,_Y,POS[0]+_Length[_i]/2,_Y-20)+frx(0)+fscx(100)+fscy(100)+animation(0,400,fscx(35)+fscy(35)+frx(85))+bord(2)+blur(2)+color3("9CDDE6")+alpha1(255), _TXT)
- if _j % 3 == 0:
- PIX = TextPix(_FontFileName, _FaceID, _Fs, GetVal(val_Spacing), GetVal(val_SpaceScale), DecRGB('84DDED'), 0, False, _TXT)
- PIX = PixBlur(PIX, _Br)
- InitPosX = _X - int(_A / 2 + 0.5) + PIX[0][0] #first X
- InitPosY = _Y - int(_A / 2 + 0.5) + PIX[0][1] #first Y
- for h in range(PIX[1][1]):
- PosY = InitPosY + h
- for w in range(PIX[1][0]):
- PosX = InitPosX + w
- X = PosX-randint(-50,50)
- Y = PosY-randint(15,30)
- idx = 4 * (h * PIX[1][0] + w)
- PixR = PIX[2][idx + 0]
- PixG = PIX[2][idx + 1]
- PixB = PIX[2][idx + 2]
- PixA = PIX[2][idx + 3]
- if PixA != 0:
- M1 = move(PosX,PosY,_X - int(_A / 2 + 0.5),Y)
- M2 = move(PosX,PosY,_X + int(_A / 2 + 0.5),Y)
- if h % 2 == 0:
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK , _BT+_SK+(sqrt((PIX[1][1] - h) * (PIX[1][1] - h) + w * w) * 4)), M1+bord(0.5)+color3("84C6E3")+be(3)+color1(FmtRGB(PixR,PixG,PixB))+alpha(255-PixA),PixPt())
- else:
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK , _BT+_SK+(sqrt((PIX[1][1] - h) * (PIX[1][1] - h) + (PIX[1][0] - w) * (PIX[1][0] - w)) * 4)), M2+bord(0.5)+color3("84C6E3")+be(3)+color1(FmtRGB(PixR,PixG,PixB))+alpha(255-PixA),PixPt())
- else:
- PIX = TextPix(_FontFileName, _FaceID, _Fs, GetVal(val_Spacing), GetVal(val_SpaceScale), DecRGB('84DDED'), 0, False, _TXT)
- PIX = PixBlur(PIX, _Br)
- InitPosX = _X - int(_A / 2 + 0.5) + PIX[0][0] #first X
- InitPosY = _Y - int(_A / 2 + 0.5) + PIX[0][1] #first Y
- for h in range(PIX[1][1]):
- PosY = InitPosY + h
- for w in range(PIX[1][0]):
- PosX = InitPosX + w
- X1 = PosX+randint(-30,0)
- X2 = PosX+randint(0,30)
- Y = PosY-randint(15,30)
- idx = 4 * (h * PIX[1][0] + w)
- PixR = PIX[2][idx + 0]
- PixG = PIX[2][idx + 1]
- PixB = PIX[2][idx + 2]
- PixA = PIX[2][idx + 3]
- if PixA != 0:
- M3 = move(PosX,PosY,X1,_Y + int(_A / 2 + 0.5))
- M4 = move(PosX,PosY,X2,_Y + int(_A / 2 + 0.5))
- if w % 2 == 0:
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK , _BT+_SK+(sqrt(h * h + (PIX[1][0] - w) * (PIX[1][0] - w)) * 4)), M3+bord(0.5)+color3("84C6E3")+be(3)+color1(FmtRGB(PixR,PixG,PixB))+alpha(255-PixA),PixPt())
- else:
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK , _BT+_SK+(sqrt(h * h + w * w) * 4)), M4+bord(0.5)+color3("84C6E3")+be(3)+color1(FmtRGB(PixR,PixG,PixB))+alpha(255-PixA),PixPt())
- if _i == 3:
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-40+_j * 10,_BT+_j * 10,3), an(5)+move(POS[0]+_Length[_i]/2,_Y-20,_X,_Y)+frx(0)+fscx(100)+fscy(100)+animation(0,400,fscx(35)+fscy(35)+frx(85))+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_j * 10,_BT+_SK,3), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK,_ET+50,3), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2)+fad(0,200), _TXT)
- for i in range (40):
- RAN1 = randint(80,120)
- RAN2 = randint(-35,-3)
- RAN3 = randint(-20,10)
- RAN4 = randint(-5,5)
- RAN5 = randint(-20,20)
- RAN6 = randint(0,360)
- RAN7 = PIC[randint(0,4)]
- MOV1 = move(_X+RAN4,_Y+RAN4,_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- POS1 = pos(_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- ts1 = _BT + _SK
- te1 = _BT + _SK + (_KT/3 * 2)-10
- te2 = _BT + _SK + _KT + 40 + RAN3
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts1,te1),an(5)+MOV1+fad(randint(0,300),0)+color1("2E2E47")+color3("585682")+fsc(70,70)+animation(0,300,fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(te1,te2),an(5)+POS1+fad(0,200)+color1("2E2E47")+color3("585682")+fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1)+animation(0,(te2-te1) * 10,fsc(50,50))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- if _i == 4:
- if IsLineChanged(_i):
- num = int(_Length[_i]/2)
- points = Bezier1(num, dx, dy+_Fs/2, dx + _Length[_i], dy+_Fs/2)
- for h in range (num):
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-47+h/5,_BT+h/6+_j * 3,5),pos(points[h][0], points[h][1])+fad(0,300)+alpha1(0)+alpha3(100)+bord(2)+blur(3)+fscx(80)+color1("CCCCCC")+color3("FFFFFF"), '{\p3}m 20 0 b 20 10 30 20 40 20 b 30 20 20 30 20 40 b 20 30 10 20 0 20 b 10 20 20 10 20 0 ')
- for j in range(4):
- if randint(0,4) == 0:
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT-47+h/5,_BT+h,5),blur(3)+bord(2)+mov(points[h][0], points[h][1],points[h][0]+randint(-80,80), points[h][1]+randint(-80,80))+alpha1(0)+alpha3(100)+fad(0,300)+fscx(80)+color1("CCCCCC")+color3("FFFFFF"), '{\p3}m 20 0 b 20 10 30 20 40 20 b 30 20 20 30 20 40 b 20 30 10 20 0 20 b 10 20 20 10 20 0 ')
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT-40+_j * 15,_BT+_j * 15),pos(_X,_Y)+clip(dx,dy+_Fs/2,dx+_A,dy+_Fs/2)+t(0,400,clip(dx,dy,+dx+_A,dy+_Fs))+fad(100,0)+blur(2)+color1("CCCCCC")+color3("FFFFFF"),_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT+_j * 15,_ET,2),pos(_X,_Y)+blur(2)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("CCCCCC"),_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT+_SK,_BT+_SK+_KT,2), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+blur(2)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("CCCCCC")+fsc(100,100)+animation(0,_KT * 5,fsc(120,120))+animation(_KT * 5,_KT * 10,fsc(100,100)),_TXT)
- PIX = TextPix(_Font,_TXT)
- PIX= PixBlur(PIX,_Br)
- points = PixPoints(PIX)
- pt_num = len(points)
- for i in range (5):
- pt = points[randint(0, pt_num - 1)]
- RAN1 = randint(0,int(_KT/2))
- RAN2 = randint(int(_KT/3) * 2,_KT)
- RAN3 = randint(120,220)
- ts = _BT+_SK+RAN1
- te = _BT+_SK+RAN2
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(ts,te,3),pos(dx+pt[0],dy+pt[1])+fscx(60)+fscy(80)+alpha(255)+color1("F8F8F8")+color3("CCCCCC")+blur(1)+be(1)+frz(0)+bord(1)+animation(0,(te-ts) * 10,frz(720))+animation(0,(te-ts)/2 * 10,be(10)+blur(3)+alpha(0)+color1("FFFFFF")+bord(2))+animation((te-ts)/2 * 10,(te-ts) * 10,color1("FFFFFF")+color3("CCCCCC")+alpha1(150)+be(2)+blur(1)), '{\p3}m 20 0 b 20 13 27 20 40 20 b 27 20 20 27 20 40 b 20 27 13 20 0 20 b 13 20 20 13 20 0 ')
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts+randint(0,5),_ET), an(5)+pos(_X+randint(-25,25),_Y+randint(-25,25))+bord(0)+fad(400,400)+alpha1(randint(125,225))+blur(1)+be(2)+color("FFFFFF")+fscx(RAN3)+fscy(RAN3),"{\p1} m 7 0 b 2 0 1 6 1 8 b 1 11 2 17 7 17 b 12 17 13 11 13 8 b 13 6 12 0 7 0 {\p0}")
- for j in range (5):
- RAN2 = randint(int(_KT/3) * 2,_KT)
- RAN1 = randint(30,50)
- ts = _BT+_SK+RAN2
- te = ts+RAN1
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts,te), an(5)+fad(0,300)+pos(_X+randint(-25,25),_Y+randint(-25,25))+color1("F8F8F8")+color3("CCCCCC")+blur(1)+be(1)+frz(0)+bord(1)+animation(0,(te-ts) * 10,frz(720))+animation(0,(te-ts)/2 * 10,be(10)+blur(3)+alpha(0)+color1("FFFFFF")+bord(2))+animation((te-ts)/2 * 10,(te-ts) * 10,color1("FFFFFF")+color3("CCCCCC")+alpha1(150)+be(2)+blur(1))+fscx(50)+fscy(70), '{\p3}m 20 0 b 20 13 27 20 40 20 b 27 20 20 27 20 40 b 20 27 13 20 0 20 b 13 20 20 13 20 0 ')
- if _i == 5:
- if IsLineChanged(_i):
- num = int(_Length[_i]/2)
- points = Bezier1(num, dx, dy+_Fs/2, dx + _Length[_i], dy+_Fs/2)
- for h in range (num):
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-35+h/5,_BT+h/6+_j * 3,5),pos(points[h][0], points[h][1])+fad(0,300)+alpha1(0)+alpha3(100)+bord(2)+blur(4)+fscx(80)+color1("EFE2CF")+color3("F1D28D"), '{\p4}m 100 0 b 100 108 92 100 200 100 b 92 100 100 92 100 200 b 100 92 108 100 0 100 b 108 100 100 108 100 0 ')
- for j in range(4):
- if randint(0,4) == 0:
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT-35+h/5,_BT+h,5),blur(4)+bord(2)+mov(points[h][0], points[h][1],points[h][0]+randint(-80,80), points[h][1]+randint(-80,80))+alpha1(0)+alpha3(100)+fad(0,300)+fscx(80)+color1("EFE2CF")+color3("F1D28D"), '{\p4}m 100 0 b 100 108 92 100 200 100 b 92 100 100 92 100 200 b 100 92 108 100 0 100 b 108 100 100 108 100 0 ')
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT-30+_j * 15,_BT+_j * 15),pos(_X,_Y)+clip(dx,dy+_Fs/2,dx+_A,dy+_Fs/2)+t(0,300,clip(dx,dy,+dx+_A,dy+_Fs))+fad(100,0)+blur(2)+color1("CCCCCC")+color3("B44C27"),_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT+_j * 15,_ET,2),pos(_X,_Y)+blur(2)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("B44C27"),_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT+_SK,_BT+_SK+_KT,2), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+blur(2)+color1("FFFFFF")+color3("B44C27")+fsc(100,100)+animation(0,_KT * 5,fsc(120,120))+animation(_KT * 5,_KT * 10,fsc(100,100)),_TXT)
- PIX = TextPix(_Font,_TXT)
- PIX= PixBlur(PIX,_Br)
- points = PixPoints(PIX)
- pt_num = len(points)
- for i in range (5):
- pt = points[randint(0, pt_num - 1)]
- RAN1 = randint(0,int(_KT/2))
- RAN2 = randint(int(_KT/3) * 2,_KT)
- RAN3 = randint(120,220)
- ts = _BT+_SK+RAN1
- te = _BT+_SK+RAN2
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(ts,te,3),pos(dx+pt[0],dy+pt[1])+fscx(60)+fscy(80)+alpha(255)+color1("EFE2CF")+color3("F1D28D")+blur(1)+be(1)+frz(0)+bord(1)+animation(0,(te-ts) * 10,frz(720))+animation(0,(te-ts)/2 * 10,be(10)+blur(3)+alpha(0)+color1("FFFFFF")+bord(2))+animation((te-ts)/2 * 10,(te-ts) * 10,color1("EFE2CF")+color3("F1D28D")+alpha1(150)+be(2)+blur(1)), '{\p4}m 100 0 b 100 108 92 100 200 100 b 92 100 100 92 100 200 b 100 92 108 100 0 100 b 108 100 100 108 100 0 ')
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts+randint(0,5),_ET), an(5)+pos(_X+randint(-25,25),_Y+randint(-25,25))+bord(0)+fad(400,400)+alpha1(randint(125,225))+blur(1)+be(2)+color1("EFE2CF")+fscx(RAN3)+fscy(RAN3),"{\p1} m 7 0 b 2 0 1 6 1 8 b 1 11 2 17 7 17 b 12 17 13 11 13 8 b 13 6 12 0 7 0 {\p0}")
- for j in range (5):
- RAN2 = randint(int(_KT/3) * 2,_KT)
- RAN1 = randint(30,50)
- ts = _BT+_SK+RAN2
- te = ts+RAN1
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts,te), an(5)+fad(0,300)+pos(_X+randint(-25,25),_Y+randint(-25,25))+color1("EFE2CF")+color3("F1D28D")+blur(1)+be(1)+frz(0)+bord(1)+animation(0,(te-ts) * 10,frz(720))+animation(0,(te-ts)/2 * 10,be(10)+blur(3)+alpha(0)+color1("FFFFFF")+bord(2))+animation((te-ts)/2 * 10,(te-ts) * 10,color1("EFE2CF")+color3("F1D28D")+alpha1(150)+be(2)+blur(1))+fscx(50)+fscy(70), '{\p4}m 100 0 b 100 108 92 100 200 100 b 92 100 100 92 100 200 b 100 92 108 100 0 100 b 108 100 100 108 100 0 ')
- if _i == 6:
- for i in range(int(_A)):
- ts = _BT+_SK
- te = _BT+_SK+_KT
- Clip = clip(int(_X-_A/2+i), int(_Y-_Fs/2), int(_X-_A/2+i+1), int(_Y+_Fs/2))
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(ts,ts + (te-ts)/int(_A)*i,3),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+Clip+color1("E7E4DC")+color3("E8DCA8")+bord(2)+be(2),_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(ts + (te-ts)/int(_A)*i,te,3),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+Clip+color1("CE9953")+color3("934929")+bord(3),_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT-20,_BT+_SK,3),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color1("E7E4DC")+color3("E8DCA8")+bord(2)+be(2),_TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT+_SK+_KT,_ET,3),an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color1("CE9953")+color3("934929")+bord(3),_TXT)
- PIX = TextPix(_Font,_TXT)
- PIX= PixBlur(PIX,_Br)
- points = PixPoints(PIX)
- pt_num = len(points)
- for i in range (50):
- cloud = "m "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" b "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" b "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))+" "+str(randint(0,200))
- pt = points[randint(0, pt_num - 1)]
- RAN1 = randint(0,int(_KT))
- RAN2 = randint(100,175)
- te1 = _BT+_SK+RAN1
- space1 = int(_A / 2 + 0.5)
- space2 = int(_Fs / 2 + 0.5)
- X1 = _X+randint(-space1,space1)
- Y1 = _Y+randint(-space2,space2)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_BT-20,te1,2),move(_X,_Y,X1,Y1)+bord(0)+alpha(RAN2)+color1("E3CA9C"),"{\p5}"+cloud+"{\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(te1,te1+60,2),move(X1,Y1,_X+randint(30,100),_Y+randint(-25,25))+bord(0)+alpha(RAN2)+color1("D3A964")+frx(0)+fry(0)+animation(0,295,frx(180)+fry(180)+alpha(0))+animation(295,305,frx(180)+fry(180)+alpha(0)+blur(1)+be(4))+animation(305,600,frx(360)+fry(360)+alpha(RAN2)),"{\p5}"+cloud+"{\p0}")
- if _i > 6 and _i < 13:
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT-40+_j * 10,_BT+_j * 10,3), an(5)+move(POS[0]+_Length[_i]/2,_Y-20,_X,_Y)+frx(0)+fscx(100)+fscy(100)+animation(0,400,fscx(35)+fscy(35)+frx(85))+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_j * 10,_BT+_SK,3), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT+_SK,_ET+50,3), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+bord(2)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+be(3)+blur(2)+fad(0,200), _TXT)
- if _i > 6 and _i <9:
- for i in range(40):
- RAN1 = randint(80,120)
- RAN2 = randint(-40,30)
- RAN3 = randint(-20,10)
- RAN4 = randint(-5,5)
- RAN5 = randint(-15,15)
- RAN6 = randint(0,360)
- RAN7 = PIC[randint(0,4)]
- MOV1 = move(_X+RAN4,_Y+RAN4,_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- POS1 = pos(_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- ts1 = _BT + _SK
- te1 = _BT + _SK + (_KT/3 * 2)-10
- te2 = _BT + _SK + _KT + 40 + RAN3
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts1,te1),an(5)+MOV1+fad(randint(0,300),0)+color1("331F29")+color3("5F424C")+fsc(70,70)+animation(0,300,fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(te1,te2),an(5)+POS1+fad(0,200)+color1("331F29")+color3("5F424C")+fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1)+animation(0,(te2-te1) * 10,fsc(50,50))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- if _i == 9:
- for i in range(40):
- RAN1 = randint(80,120)
- RAN2 = randint(-30,10)
- RAN3 = randint(-20,10)
- RAN4 = randint(-5,5)
- RAN5 = randint(-30,30)
- RAN6 = randint(0,360)
- RAN7 = PIC[randint(0,4)]
- MOV1 = move(_X+RAN4,_Y+RAN4,_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- POS1 = pos(_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- ts1 = _BT + _SK
- te1 = _BT + _SK + (_KT/3 * 2)-10
- te2 = _BT + _SK + _KT + 40 + RAN3
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts1,te1),an(5)+MOV1+fad(randint(0,300),0)+color1("3F130E")+color3("603109")+fsc(70,70)+animation(0,300,fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(te1,te2),an(5)+POS1+fad(0,200)+color1("3F130E")+color3("603109")+fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1)+animation(0,(te2-te1) * 10,fsc(50,50))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- if _i == 10:
- for i in range(40):
- RAN1 = randint(80,120)
- RAN2 = randint(-35,5)
- RAN3 = randint(-20,10)
- RAN4 = randint(-5,5)
- RAN5 = randint(-15,15)
- RAN6 = randint(0,360)
- RAN7 = PIC[randint(0,4)]
- MOV1 = move(_X+RAN4,_Y+RAN4,_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- POS1 = pos(_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- ts1 = _BT + _SK
- te1 = _BT + _SK + (_KT/3 * 2)-10
- te2 = _BT + _SK + _KT + 40 + RAN3
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts1,te1),an(5)+MOV1+fad(randint(0,300),0)+color1("2E2E47")+color3("585682")+fsc(70,70)+animation(0,300,fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(te1,te2),an(5)+POS1+fad(0,200)+color1("2E2E47")+color3("585682")+fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1)+animation(0,(te2-te1) * 10,fsc(50,50))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- if _i == 11:
- for i in range(40):
- R = RandCir2(_X, _Y, 15, 40)
- RAN1 = randint(80,120)
- RAN2 = randint(-30,10)
- RAN3 = randint(-20,10)
- RAN4 = randint(-5,5)
- RAN5 = randint(-30,30)
- RAN6 = randint(0,360)
- RAN7 = PIC[randint(0,4)]
- MOV1 = move(_X+RAN4,_Y+RAN4,R[0],R[1])
- POS1 = pos(R[0],R[1])
- ts1 = _BT + _SK
- te1 = _BT + _SK + (_KT/3 * 2)-10
- te2 = _BT + _SK + _KT + 40 + RAN3
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts1,te1),an(5)+MOV1+fad(randint(0,300),0)+color1("331F29")+color3("5F424C")+fsc(70,70)+animation(0,300,fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(te1,te2),an(5)+POS1+fad(0,200)+color1("331F29")+color3("5F424C")+fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1)+animation(0,(te2-te1) * 10,fsc(50,50))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- if _i == 12:
- for i in range(40):
- RAN1 = randint(80,120)
- RAN2 = randint(-40,5)
- RAN3 = randint(-20,10)
- RAN4 = randint(-5,5)
- RAN5 = randint(-20,20)
- RAN6 = randint(0,360)
- RAN7 = PIC[randint(0,4)]
- MOV1 = move(_X+RAN4,_Y+RAN4,_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- POS1 = pos(_X+RAN5,_Y+RAN2)
- ts1 = _BT + _SK
- te1 = _BT + _SK + (_KT/3 * 2)-10
- te2 = _BT + _SK + _KT + 40 + RAN3
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts1,te1),an(5)+MOV1+fad(randint(0,300),0)+color1("3F130E")+color3("603109")+fsc(70,70)+animation(0,300,fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(te1,te2),an(5)+POS1+fad(0,200)+color1("3F130E")+color3("603109")+fscx(RAN1)+fscy(RAN1)+animation(0,(te2-te1) * 10,fsc(50,50))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+frx(RAN6)+frz(RAN6),"{\p2}"+RAN7+"{\p0}")
- if _i == 13:
- ts = _BT + _SK - 2 * int(_FD/10)
- te = _BT + _SK + _KT
- ts1 = ts - int(_FD/10)
- te1 = te - int(_FD/10)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts1,te1,50), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("482922")+color2("FFFFFF")+bord(3)+blur(2)+be(3)+K(_KT), _TXT)
- ts2 = ts + int(_FD/10)
- te2 = te + int(_FD/10)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(ts2,te2,51), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+color2("482922")+bord(3)+blur(2)+be(3)+K(_KT), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_BT,ts1), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("482922")+bord(3)+blur(2)+be(3), _TXT)
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(te2,_ET), an(5)+pos(_X,_Y)+color3("E9D9E6")+color1("FFFFFF")+bord(3)+blur(2)+be(3), _TXT)
- RAN = randint(100,150)
- for i in range(30):
- ass_main(ASS_BUF,SubL(_ET,_ET+60),an(5)+move(_X,_Y,_X+randint(-20,20),_Y+randint(-40,40))+fad(randint(0,200),200)+color1("E67FBC")+color3("A84B82")+fsc(70,70)+fr(360)+animation(fscx(RAN)+fscy(RAN))+alpha(50)+be(8)+blur(4)+bord(2)+fad(0,300),"{\p2}"+PIC[randint(0,4)]+"{\p0}")
- return (ASS_BUF,None)
复制代码 终于把这个坑填了。。。某种意义上来说。。。今天往后...也算个闲人了... 除了前两句和最后一句,剩下的都做了变动,改造了溅射,把当时没想法的三句话也换了别的效果,某个效果还是不太满意,不过...暂时想不到更好的办法了,就这样吧 |